PSA: It’s never cool to pretend to leak an unauthorized sex tape — Quartz

A lot of people who never cared about the electro-pop duo Yacht—or rather, YACHT, because it’s an acronym for “young Americans challenging high technology”—became aware of them yesterday (May 10), after it was revealed that a supposed leak of an unauthorized sex tape of YACHT members Claire Evans and Jona Bechtolt was a hoax to…

via PSA: It’s never cool to pretend to leak an unauthorized sex tape — Quartz

May 9- de novo

Hello. My name is Tyson. Tyson Kraeplin.

I know we’ve been introduced a few times before and you may not be interested. Bear with me, see from the beginning, it was recommended that I begin some sort of diary. I call it a journal but haven’t been very successful at documenting my near non existence.

See, I’ve been diagnosed with what is called Agoraphobia. It can be confusing to some when they’re first introduced but it’s by Webster’s definition : an abnormal fear of being helpless in an embarrassing or unescapable situation that is characterized especially by the avoidance of open or public places, basically afraid to be out in public.


I hate it really.

It’s odd to feel as though you’ve been in solitary confinement without actually being in it for fifteen years. It can get overwhelming but I manage. I know it sounds a bit odd, however, how I got here is a whole other story; I’ll save that for another time.

The reason behind this entry? My psychologist suggested I keep a journal. I really don’t see how it’ll help but I’ll give anything a shot at this point. That being said, I’d like to fill you in with bits of my life.

I come from a family of 4. My mother Rose Kraeplin, my father Carl Kraeplin, and my sister Violet Kraeplin. We’re your typical American family, not much to say. I’ve led a pleasant life with all the luxury you don’t find these days. Dad and I have a pretty good relationship. As good a relationship as Skype can get ya. Mom and sister come around every so often. They seem ok.

But, Lilly. My Lilly.

How can I tell you about her without bragging? Oh, she’s more than what I could have asked or expected.

Our introduction was unexpected actually. See, the brilliant Dr. Gary Murray suggested I make an attempt to leave the house. I’m not a big fan of the idea but the nagging will stop for a bit if I oblige; so I did my part.

Back to Lilly.

I drove out to the neighborhood park. I can’t begin to tell you the process I had to go through to make it to the park; that was a success in its own.

I get lost in watching the only people around which were a few joggers and a what looked like a homeless man? I didn’t care. The situation was already overwhelming and I needed something to distract me. I began to reach for a magazine I thought would be useful and before I knew it, I heard a knock on the window and I froze.

Who was this person?

Why are they at my window? What do they want?

 I could feel the onset of an anxiety attack. My mind started to race with every movement I made to looks towards the window. 

But it was her,it was Lilly.  At that moment everything was absent but her. It was almost automatic when I rolled my window down just to talk to this woman. She had a look of concern to her face and I figured I could play good Samaritan for the day.

“Are you some kind of detective or something?”



Her blank stare suggested she needed more of an explanation. I told her of my condition with a bit of hesitation and she seemed to understand. I wish I could tell you more, but as they say; the rest is history.

It’s all kinda funny actually. If it wasn’t for all the therapy I received collectively through the years I would have gotten the hell outta there. I’m glad I didn’t. She is my biggest supporter. It’s been quite a day so I’ll end it with my Lilly. Literally, she’s here.

We’ll see how well this journal goes, new entry soon.



The Circle of Improbable Life/The Coil

Bucket List: Tarot Reading

It’s April 4, 2016 10:00 am and find myself looking through the never ending stream of photos and videos that promise to be.  As I glide my finger on the screen and rummage through, I come across a tarot card reader profile that claims to be able to help me and instantly it has my attention and I have flicked and tapped my way into her profile and contact details.

The reviews aren’t bad. What if they’re fake? Should I give it a shot? It’s not the Ouija board, so it’s not that bad..right?

I am extremely talented at talking to myself but better at questioning. I try to use this ‘technique’ in order to keep from over shopping. (Don’t judge me.) But that’s neither here nor there.

After pep talking myself into it I decide to give it a shot. Real quick, can I tell you difficult it is to make a call without pressing the back button when you are that unsure? Still, there are a few things I would like to cross off my list and this was definitely one of them. So, with instant clammy, quivering  hands I half force myself to dial 217.543.5…and the rest seemed to come easy. With each ring my heart seemed to palpitate harder. Coming from a hispanic background, I was always taught never to mess with the Devil, and this indeed seemed to be so until the initial reading. I think.

“hello, thank you for calling. How can I help you?”

” Um, I’m a newbie. Hello.” I respond with a childlike voice that I was surprised to hear. She proceeds to explain the different packages, deals and finally, which one I wanted. I went for a package that would give insight on the past, present, and future. Again, this is not  customary and curiosity to the best of me.

” What did you want to know today?” she asks in a soft voice.

” Not really sure. I thought you could tell me. ” I laugh

“Well..” she begins to ask what concerns me the most and aspects of my life i was most interested in. I answered with very short, generalized answers as I listen to her shuffle and mix the cards.

“Tell me when you want me to stop shuffling the cards.”

“ok.” I answer. I’m sure she could hear the slight hesitation in my voice.

“Ok, stop or ok you understand?”

“Ok I understand.” I respond with a chuckle.

After a few minutes of arranging what was my life on a table somewhere in Pennsylvania.

She tells me that there are changes coming (duh) and to reorganize (again, duh). You may not feel that this is not a universal feeling or need, but the the truth is that you are always changing and reorganizing your life to fit these changes. At this point, she seems to be telling me everything I already know.

*Set goals

*Room for improvement

*Work challenges ( I mean, who doesn’t have them? Workload, your boss, the lazy person in the corner)

*Happy life/marriage (life? She could be right; marriage? Not so much. I’m separated)

*Long distance person (I know a few people with long distance relationships/friendships, pretty common)

*Secret Admirer (Another pretty common thing we do. Everyone has one we don’t know about. Tell me something good…)

*Finances, gossip. (We all know that finances are important and to ignore the naiveté of others’ as they know nothing other that your FB posts) 

To my surprise, I felt light and happy. As we wrapped up our session she proceeds to tell me of her other offers and promotions. Encourages me to ‘cleanse’ myself with the use of crystals or sage to keep the bad away. (There is partial belief from me in that area) However, as I read over a few of the notes that I made; I begin to feel that I’ve been duped. The general questions led to general answers as was not interested. I kindly decline her offers and point out that according to her reading, my finances do not permit me to take her up on them. She lets out a light laugh and just shake my head at the comical irony of the situation. I have no way of knowing how accurate the reading really was, nor can I say she is wrong about something that hasn’t happened yet. Needless to say, this was my experience alone and do not encourage or discourage the use of a Tarot card reading. If it brings you enjoyment and its not being abused then go for it! Simply, keep it fun. As for myself, I don’t see myself doing that in the near or far future. It was an itch I had to scratch and it’s on to the next one.

Thank you guys for reading. Any input would be great, be it what it may. My contact info is below. Wish you well on this great day.

-A.L.O XoXo